Monday, October 19, 2009

My Blucig Replacement Charger Arrived Today

Today I received my replacement blucig Charger. Apparently there was a problem with the first generation charger. I never really charged my blucig with the pack charger so I wasn't really affected. I gotta say this product has definitely changed my life and the lives of some of my friends who are now blucig owners. The product offers a clean air solution to getting off those nasty cigarettes and moving on with a healthier future.

I gotta admit quiting regular cigarettes is a triumph in its own. But i really think its all in your mind. The mind is a very powerful piece of equipment that the human body comes standard with. I mean how can those monks up in the mountains make themselves levitate, or why can certain people perform remarkable feats that are mind blowing? It all a state of mind, you mind will get used to change but you have to reprogram it. The blucig is a way of reprogramming that will save you alot of trips to the doctors! IT IS WELL WORTH THE WAIT to order one.

blu Starter Kit

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Quitting Smoking Has Never Been Easier

Every day I go to the store with one of my friends and watch him spend nearly $7.00 on a pack of cigarettes. When I was Visiting New York I went to the store and was Nearly given a heart attack when I gave the guy a $20.00 Bill and was returned a $10.00 bill and a few cents! I said it then first thing i need to to is quit giving these things away. Then I Thought if this goes on I will definitly quit smoking. As we all know it did go on! So here I am Smoking on my blucig inside of walmart when a young lady comes up to me with a mean look on her face. " Could you please put that out, my child is sitting right there. I laughed and said this is a blucig electric cigarette and the smoke you see is a harmless vapor. She was blown away by the concept but still asked me to refrain from using it around her child. I respected her wishes and moved on. Let me tell you where this really comes in handy, in all of the non-smoking resturants. Boy do people get sick when they see im able to smoke my Blugig right at the bar while they have to go outside (HA HA).

Over the course of a year, based on smoking style, most users should expect to be spending on average 45% to 65% less for their nicotine habit. Still Not convinced to quit smoking?

As an example of how much cheaper using an electronic cigarette can be vs smoking cigarettes and using conservative figures, a pack a day smoker at $7 per pack spends $2,555.00 per year. This same blucig Smoker would need 30 Cartons of Blucig refills so:

1 x blu Starter Kit= $59.95
30 x Cartrige Cartons at $25 = $750
2 x Replacement Battery at $30 = $60
6 x Replacement Atomizer at $20 = $120
Total: $989.95 (about a 70% savings over smoking tobacco cigarettes)

What are you waiting for? That dark day your doctor says you have Lung Cancer?
You owe it to yourself and the people who love you to make a serious change in your life. I can easily figure out what to do with a extra $1700.00 in my pocket each year and a longer energized life span.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Cigarette Companies Complaining

Its funny how big cigarette companies are really shouting about how the electronic cigarette is not good for your health. Can you belive it can anyone see the conflict of intrest in that statment. These people are ludacris and have lost their greedy minds. I would would have just stayed quiet if I was them. See how cancer has affected us in the USA.

Men diagnosed with cancer - 745,180
Women diagnosed with cancer - 692,000
Deaths from cancer in men 2008 - 294,120
Deaths from cancer in women 2008 - 271,530
Total deaths 565,650 = 39% of the new cases number

Its stagering! Quiting Smoking or finding a smoking alternative can be a task in its own. Its way easier said than done. I have tried the Nicotene patch a just plain quitting and I always come running back. Dont we owe it to ourselves and to the people that we love whom love us and dont want to see us die? We all should really stop making cigarette companies any richer than they already are! please take this warning as smoking will only lead you down a very un healthy path in which everyone who is involved suffers. What do you guys think?

National Institute of Health

Studies have shown that when smokers use vaporized nicotine for either supplemental or smoking cessation reasons, the vaporized nicotine produces similarly addictive and psychological effects as cigarettes. However, a report published by the US National Institutes of Health found that participants of the studies who used the inhaler alone did not meet ICD-10 or DSM-IV criteria for dependence on the substance
The health effects of using electronic cigarettes are currently unknown.

Some electronic cigarette companies claim that the harmful material produced by the combustion of tobacco in traditional cigarettes is not present in the atomized liquid of electronic cigarettes. Some have also marketed electronic cigarettes as a way to curtail an addiction to nicotine. Despite these claims, a number of regulatory agencies have issued warnings regarding the health effects of these products. The recently-formed Electronic Cigarette Association aims to eliminate unsubstantiated health claims made by electronic cigarette companies, and those companies that wish to participate in the association must agree to refrain from making such claims.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Electric Cigarette Buzz

What will they come up with next? This blog is designed to compare and contrast many different models and brands of e-ciagrettes. As they all have their own special feel and look its safe to say that they all do one very important thing, let you smoke without really smoking! I cant wait till they figure out how to get you drunk without drinking which would be a blow to the breathalizer industry. It actually dosent matter becuase some states are collecting blood right at the DUI scene to test for drugs and alcohol so were screwed anyway.

What is a electronic Cigarette?

An electronic cigarette or "e-cigarette" is a battery-powered device that provides inhaled doses of nicotine by delivering a vaporized liquid nicotine solution. It is an alternative to smoked tobacco products, such as cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. In addition to nicotine delivery, this vapor also provides a flavor and physical sensation similar to that of inhaled tobacco smoke, while no tobacco, smoke, or combustion is actually involved in its operation.
An electronic cigarette usually takes the form of some manner of elongated tube, though many are designed to resemble the outward appearance of real smoking products, like cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. A common design is also the "pen-style", so named for its visual resemblance to a ballpoint pen.
Most electronic cigarettes are reusable devices with replaceable and refillable parts. A number of disposable electronic cigarettes have also been developed. The description is courtesy of wikipedia.

The problem is that these products have not yet been approved by the FDA as a alternative to but have been deemed harmless to those around you alowing you to be able to "Smoke" indoors in places you normally cant. I think this is a truly remarkable product that should have been introduced a long time ago. I think the big wigs at the insurance companies were not to thrilled being that a heathly America would not be as profitable. I for one have switched over to my new blue E-cigarette and absoloutly love it. It satifys my nicotene urge and I know is much healthier for me. It dosent replace the firey start and smokey end of a real cigarette but do we really want to die like that?

Products That are available

blu Starter Kit

blu Starter Kit includes:
1 pack, holds 5 tips and charges your batteries on the go!
2 electronic cigarette batteries
1 atomizer
1 wall charger & 1 USB charger
Variety pack of 25 cartridges in the strength of your choice
30 day money back guarantee and a one year warranty


The blu Starter Kit Provides a simple way to get started today. If you like myself own one of these particular E-Cigarettes please describe your experience with it and let us know what your personal opinion of it was.